
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I have a real passion for God and country and have a deep desire to see things change in America.  Everyday I rant on about how this country is led by self-serving politicians from both parties...but today is not that day.  Appropriately, my heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to the suffering families in Moore, Oklahoma.  I ask God to find his way into their lives to comfort them and to bless them in their time of need.

Some may be wondering, "Why would God do this?  Doesn't he have the power to stop things like this from happening?"  The simple answer is, yes...he does.  The answer as to why he allows things like this to happen is not as easy to explain.  We know the last days will be marked by many calamities and the rise of evil throughout the world.  Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, wild fires and, yes, devastating tornadoes will strike quickly and randomly.  In their wake, the injured and dead will include old and young, rich and poor, male and female; the righteous and unrighteous.  These events may or may not be the wrath of God upon a wicked and adulterous generation, but God knew, that in the last days, his children would turn their hearts away and seek the the ways of the world.  Are these events a not-so-subtle reminder that God exists and don't you forget it?  I don't know, but I do know that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  I also know that we can find solace and peace in His word and in obedience to His commandments we shall even find comfort amid disaster.  Losing loved ones, especially children, is the worst mankind will endure, but through the gospel of Jesus Christ and through his atoning sacrifice, the sting of death may be lessened.  Know this; all things that seem bitter and heart-wrenching will be for our experience and for our eventual good.  It's all in our attitude.

I'm aware that my words will not act as a Balm of Gilead for those who currently suffer, but perhaps planting seeds now could eventually sprout and flourish into blossoms of joy and comfort; until then, I'll continue to pray for you who suffer from great loss. God bless you.      

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