
Friday, May 3, 2013

The Wisdom of Job

We are all well aware of the trials and  tribulations Job experienced in his lifetime; yet through it all, he focused on the mission of the Savior that was yet to come.  Job knew what Jesus Christ would have to endure to redeem the world, atone for our sins and overcome the grave that we all might have eternal life.  Job had an eternal perspective on life and understood that his adversity would not come close to that of the Lord's and may have asked himself, "The Son of Man shall descend below all things and shall have his enemies prowl around him as ravenous wolves who seek the blood of the Lamb; Am I greater than he?"

Job portrayed an exemplary attitude that we should all strive to possess.  When we refer to someone who has the patience of Job, perhaps that is our meaning.  In the 19th Chapter of Job, verses 25 and 26, Job testifies of his Lord, "For I knoweth that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God."

May we all have the faith, perseverance and patience of Job to see the "big picture," and not trifle with minor adversities.

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