
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Love Thy Mother and Thy Father, that Thy days may be Long.

This is the final installment of "A House of Order."  Beginning Monday, May 13th, the new theme will be, "The Proper Role of Government," I would invite all to follow this discourse and share with your friends, families and neighbors.  

With Mother's Day tomorrow and Father's Day just a month away, I though I'd address the separate, distinct and sacred roles of parentage by sharing the following thought.

Each and every one of us are spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents.  Our spirits are eagerly awaiting the call to occupy a physical and mortal body and to be born of earthly parents.  However, upon birth, our remembrance of our pre-mortal existence is wiped clear that we might walk in faith, with hope and with a charitable spirit.  Knowing this to be truth, I have written this declaration:

"I am a child of God with earthly parents: my mommy is my teacher; she teaches me to walk in the light of God's love, and she teaches me to love all of God's creation.  My daddy is my example; he shows me how to walk i the light of God's love, and he shows me how to love all of God's creation by the way he loves my mommy.  Please don't desecrate this perfect formula, for I hope to become the best me I could be." 

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