
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Saving America

I believe in God, I believe His commandments are for the betterment of mankind and by following them; mankind grows closer to God and becomes more like Him.  Many say that living the commandments of God restricts their freedoms, those that say that are ignorant and have never truly felt the Holy Spirit in their lives.  I testify to you, in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ, that following the word of God not only releases us from the constraints of the flesh, but delivers peace, true happiness and real joy. 

This blog is my personal ministry to the world.  I feel that not many, if any at all read my blog, but I feel I am on fire sometimes as I attempt to put on paper what is going through my mind,  Oft times I feel the Spirit directing my words as if He himself had his hands on the keyboard.  I feel blessed when I can be an instrument in His hands. 

I also testify to you that God lives, and Jesus is the Christ.  I stand as a witness of their divinity and of their existence.  I know they exercised the powers of divine intervention in the organization of this nation, the United States of America.  I know we, as Americans have a Manifest Destiny to be the example to the world of a government that could be of the people, by the people and for the people. 

Dear brothers and sisters, I fear with every fiber of my being that less and less are engaging in righteous endeavors and are seeking gratifications of the flesh.  Daily, we hear of new laws being proposed that would drive the populace further from God and his word.  If we don’t stop it NOW, the snowflake will become an avalanche that will become too formidable to defeat.  Those representing us in government have lost sight in the powers of God and are reveling in the powers they suppose they have.  Stand as a warrior for freedom in the army of God against those who would repress and oppress the word and commandments of God.

God bless you and this nation.               

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