
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Choose You This Day; Bondage or Freedom

With so many out of work, more and more former bread-winners are looking to government assistance for their livelihood.  On the surface, government assistance seems well-meaning and compassionate, but lurking under the glistening layer of supposed benevolence, lies a sinister evil whose names are dependency and bondage.  The Lord has made it quite clear throughout the scriptures that only a free people can enjoy the blessings of the Lord.
When we follow the Israelites from Egypt, we can liken their experience to contemporary day.  If we were to dissolve the shackles of government repression, we would have those who would ask, “From where shall we find meat?”  And the Lord sent down bread[1] and quail[2] to fill their stomachs.  When the Israelites pitched their tents in the wilderness at Rephidim, there was no water for the people to drink, and they chided Moses and said, “Give us water that we may drink.”  But after much murmuring, the Lord provided as Moses smote the rock in Horeb, and water gushed out[3].

When we attempt, as Americans, to restore our freedom by removing the shackles of government dependency, we must turn our faith back to Lord, as did the Hebrews of old.  We must trust in the holy arm of the Lord and trust not in the arm of flesh which will drag you down to the depths of hell.

For the arm of the Lord shall redeem this people and bring us unto salvation.  

[1] Exodus 16:4
[2] Exodus 16:13
[3] Exodus 17:2-6

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