As the National Director of the United States Security
Defense Initiative, it is my privilege to declare the USSDI Creed-
We believe in being self-reliant, and that it is not the role of
government to provide me with quality of life or prosperity, but to
maintain the freedoms which allow me to prosper by the sweat of my brow
We believe in being
debt-free, thrifty, industrious, and prepared for any calamity, hardship or
misfortune that may come our way.
We Believe that the United States of America is a blessed nation and
that its freedom documents, namely: the Declaration of Independence, the U.S.
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are divinely inspired by the very God who
endowed us with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We believe that
these human rights and freedoms are sacred and shall be preserved, protected
and defended by all Americans through truthful and virtuous means.
We believe that prosperity is earned by honest, hard-working,
industrious Americans who, by their own virtue and charitable spirit, provide
for those who are temporarily in need and down-trodden. Indeed, we may say that we believe in the
admonition of the Chinese proverb which states – Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and
he will eat for a lifetime.
We believe in God’s
Law and Nature’s Law which is sacred and unchangeable rather than Man’s Law
which is inconsistent and contrary to God and Nature.
We believe in the
traditional moral values upon which this country was founded and that they are
as contemporary today and are the cornerstone to this country’s success and
We believe that
this, the United States of America, has been consecrated, by God, to be a free
land, including religious freedom and that upon these righteous principles, God
can and will build up His kingdom on earth.
We believe in a day
when there are no longer racial distinctions or differences among Americans, a
day when all ancestral hyphenations are eliminated and we are all united as one
people and referred to simply as Americans.
We believe that we,
the American people, have been charged with the stewardship of protecting and
defending this land from all enemies foreign and domestic, and that our borders
must maintain their integrity from unlawful entry, while encouraging legislators
to create a simplified, expeditious and affordable process to legal entry;
understanding that lawful immigration to those who seek the American Dream is the
backbone to America’s free enterprise system, and the entrepreneurial spirit
which make this nation exceptional.
We believe in
serving our fellow man; that sacrifice for others, with a willing and gladsome heart,
is the balm to heal the wounds of this nation.
We believe
that all Americans have the right and privilege to
worship God without persecution, ridicule or prejudice. We also believe that all Americans shall
enjoy the same privilege, to worship however or wherever they may, but accepting
and acknowledging the Judeo-Christian principles in which the United States of
America was founded and that this country is and shall remain forever, “One
Nation under God.”