
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Emphasizing Preparation

Jesus relates in the book of Matthew, the story of ten young women who went to a wedding.  As they waited for the bridegroom to let them in, they were uncertain as to the time he would arrive.  Each of them had oil-burning lamps.  Five of the women had extra oil; they were prepared. The other five young women were considered foolish because they brought just the oil that was in their lamps.  Consequently, it was quite a while before the bridegroom arrived and the unprepared women ran out of oil, while the wise women had more oil to trim their lamps.  As the foolish women went to purchase more oil for their lamps, the bridegroom arrived to let them in.  When the foolish, unprepared women returned, the door was closed and was not let in.  Their preparation was too late. 

What may seem like foolish preparation today, will seem prudent tomorrow?  You have agency as to which level of preparation you wish to engage; will you choose to be wise or choose to be foolish?     

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