
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Prepare Every Needful Thing

Most people associate prepping with ‘doomsday’.  Although prepping for cataclysmic events is wise, it is more likely that a family’s prepping supplies will be used for domestic mishaps.  There is a story of a certain man who was the family’s sole bread winner.  When he was suddenly laid-off he was devastated with little or no prospect of adequate employment in his area.  Believing in self-reliance accompanied by a severe distaste for government assistance, his family turned to their six-month food storage for meals.  And, having saved money to pay six-months worth of bills, which included their mortgage, they were able to stay current on their mortgage, as well as all other household bills.  The family was debt free, other than their mortgage; this turned out to be a huge benefit.  The man was out of work for 11 weeks before the company that laid him off hired him back.  Lay-offs happen every day at an alarming rate due to the bad economy.  And the ill prepared head in throngs to unemployment lines around the nation finding that benefits are being reduced due to lack of funds.  Simple math will tell you, when formerly employed people stand in line looking for handouts, the money supplied by the employed will eventually run out; then where will they be?

Prepping is not just for ‘doomsday’, but for every day.  The USSDI has every prepping item necessary to combat government reliance.  Soon, we will have security and self-defense items available on our website;

1 comment:

  1. I've always heard about the importance of being prepared but I never known about how necessary it really is until I went through some experiences recently. I will definitely be ordering some supplies from you because I truly believe its not a matter of if, but when you will need these things.
