
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Insanity over the Insane

I’m going to depart from the regular House of Order series to address the socialistic foul stench emanating from the cesspool of anti-Constitutionalism.   

As we near the fourteenth anniversary (April 20, 1999) of the Columbine tragedy my heart still aches for the families of those who lost loved ones, and for the families in Newtown that lost their little ones of such a tender age, I am unable to comprehend their anguish.  That is why I am adamant about stemming the tide of superfluous legislation and attacking the crisis at its root.   

The Senate will soon debate a gun-bill that does not only infringe upon our Second Amendment rights, but violates an individual’s basic right of protection of self and property.  This total disregard for the U.S. Constitution is a clear segue to much more far reaching legislation; a foot-in-the door if you will.  The lunacy that surrounds this bill fails to address the real issue facing society.   Perpetrators of heinous crimes involving guns from Columbine down to Newtown are and were devoid of any sense of right-and-wrong.   As a parent, I can’t think of anything worse, than losing a child, but to lose a child at the hands of a madman is immeasurable.  All concerned and well-meaning people wish they could do something, anything, to stop or prevent these travesties from repetition, but all the gun laws in the world will never deter the criminally insane from committing atrocities against society; which illuminates the real issue: immorality and mental illness.

Incomprehensible acts of violence perpetrated by the insane is not a gun issue, it’s a morality issue.  When God and religion is removed from every public discourse, there is no longer moral constraint upon a society which has a natural propensity to commit evil one to another.   Will allowing God back into public dialog make an immediate difference?  No, but if God is reintroduced back into the American home where a nurturing mother and father teach their children about the healing balm of loving, sacrificing for, and  serving your fellow man, we could begin to see the slow transition toward civility which will find its way into our neighborhoods, our communities and eventually into our nation.  Love replaces isolation, faith removes fear, and happiness rejects depression.  So I say to our dear friends on Capitol Hill; God, faith and religion is not a pestilence that must be exterminated, but should be embraced as very essence of our conscience which disposes us to perform good works.  Can people perform good works while not being a believer in God, absolutely, but by what standard do they define good works?  If it be defined as love, respect, compassion, empathy and service for our families, neighbors and friends, then they perform those good works with the Light of Christ which is inherent within each of us as spirit children of God.

Just a final thought...had the headlines read differently and these unconscionable crimes been perpetrated by madmen behind the wheel of a vehicle, there would not be one member of congress entertaining the thought of taking our cars.  Hmm, perhaps there is deeper reasoning behind the confiscation of firearms.  Does the name Hitler rings a bell?

In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln, whom I revere, said this, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds.”

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